
Pete Fry Articles

Become More Consistent with a Pre-Faceoff Routine

A routine to instil confidence and consistency in your game

Understanding and Controlling Focus

Tools to Ensure Your Flashlight Shines on Right Spot

Hype Level: How to Find and Hold Your Ideal Level of Excitement

Discover the secret to mastering your hype level and elevate your game. Learn techniques to control your excitement, enhance focus, and achieve peak performance.

Confidence Anchoring: A Game-Changing Goalie Technique

Learn the techniques to build unshakeable self-belief and stay resilient on the ice, even in the toughest moments.

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Keep Your Power

Keep Your Power

Push through and keep a clear picture of where you’re going while staying dialed in on the task at hand when things seem to be falling apart

Think Big!

Think Big!

You’re going to think anyway — so you may as well “Think Big.”

Think Big!

Think Big!

You’re going to think anyway — so you may as well “Think Big.”