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IInGoal Magazine hosted a 90-minute webinar so that goalies could learn more about the new Sense Arena Virtual Reality Goalie Training system.

With our guests Eric Comrie of the New Jersey Devils and Bob Tetiva, Sense Arena Founder we walked through a number of sample training exercises to give you a feel for how the system works, what the experience is like and all the tools it puts at your fingertips at home. Eric talked about how he uses it every day in his training and how it relates to his on-ice experience telling us how impressed he was with the pro shooters in the video-based drills, his use of the cognitive drills to begin his daily training, the box control ropes you can choose to add to most drills – and how he will even do drills without trying to make saves just for the opportunity to watch the shots and read the shooters in a way he can’t during a regular NHL practice.

In addition, a number of questions were taken from the goalies and coaches who joined us so you can hear a complete FAQ about Sense Arena VR training.


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