
When To Look Off Puck on PK and Keys to Good Cross-Ice Pushes

Charlie Lindgren is coming off his busiest season in pro hockey and especially in the NHL, playing a career-high 50 games for the Washington Capitals and another four in the Stanley Cup Playoffs, then after three weeks off, heading over to Czechia to represent USA Hockey at the World Championships after Alex Lyon sustained an injury.

Depsite that crazy schedule, Lindgren made time right after getting back to Minnesota to sit down with InGoal Magazine for both a podcast interview and extended Pro Reads session. We’d normally wait for the podcast before airing the video breakdowns, but Lindgren’s insights were too good to hold, so enjoy his debut as a Pro Reads bonus this week.


Lindgren’s Pro Reads debut comes against a potent New York Rangers power play that highlighted the importance of mechanics, tactics and early reads:

It’s hard to see in the freeze frame above but that’s Norris Trophy-winning defenseman Adam Fox with the puck along the right boards above the face-off circle.

Seeing his options, what stands out to you as the most dangerous?

With those same options in mind, what do you make of Lindgren’s depth here?

What do you think of how he’s managing that defensive screen in front of him?


Now watch the entire sequence in the replay below and ask the same questions:

Did you correctly identify the most dangerous threat before watching? Does Lindgren’s depth decision make sense seeing it play out? Why specifically?

Now, perhaps more important than what the attacking team is doing, what stands out the most in that video to you about Lindgren’s approach? Beyond depth or what side he looks around the screen, beyond the mechanics of his push, what jumps out?


If you answered the number of times he “looked off” the puck or “scanned” the zone when the puck was not in a dangerous area, congratulations, that’s exactly what stood out the most to Lindgren too. Now let’s hear from him about that — and the other elements:

It looks like you’re not an InGoal subscriber (yet). Below we’ve included a brief excerpt from the full ProRead to give you an idea of how it breaks down in the full video. We invite you to subscribe today to see the full ProRead – and hundreds more exclusive articles.

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