feature image for Goalie Parents - What do we do when team goalie coach is teaching wrong wide

presented by the Stop It Goaltending U app

Presented by Stop It Goaltending feature image

Presented by Stop it Goaltending U 
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The audio segment published here takes you directly to the Parent Segment from this episode.

In our Parents Segment, presented by the Stop It Goaltending U app, we answer a parent question from someone wondering what to do when their child’s goalie coach is teaching “wrong” and undoing the work of previous coaches, starting by asking – what exactly is “wrong?


How do you deal with a team goalie coach that is undoing prior goalie coaching by teaching the “wrong” things?

There are few absolutes in the game. Few things that if you got a group of goalie coaches together they would all insist on. So unless your coach is telling you to make skate saves or never look at the puck when you catch it…I’m really curious to know what you call “wrong.”

In fact, there are few absolutes in terms of technique because they so often depend on reads. Last week’s ProRead for example…Joseph Woll used RVH in a place many coaches would say “NEVER” but he had a reason he did it.

So I would encourage a discussion framed more in terms of assuming you don’t completely get what they are asking and trying to learn from their perspective. And to also keep in mind again what we hear from so many NHL goalies – tools in the tool box…give it a go. If it doesn’t work for you after you have really tried it….we’ll get to that.

But first – if there will need to be some level of discussion around things I want to encourage you to help your child take the lead – this isn’t the time to call a parent meeting to tell the goalie coach there is a problem. Learning to handle these things really is important. It will be essential as you grow older in the game – and it’s essential in life away from the rink.

If your child is nervous or unsure – role play it with them. This is a big deal and taking the time to work at your approach and practice surely is worth the investment. These are skills more important in life than stick saves and puck tracking!

So what to say?

Try … “I just want to make sure I understand what you’re asking here…in the past I’ve had coaches ask me to do it this way…do you think they were looking at a different situation? Or maybe you can explain to me the advantages of trying it your way?

I would try very hard to see it from multiple angles and even if you still feel you are right – try to approach it from the “maybe I don’t completely understand” perspective and see what you can learn from a discussion in that tone.

And maybe include the idea that you can learn from everything….”Hey coach – I think it’s important to try new things and I’ve been working at doing this your way for the last few times through this drill but I’m struggling with it. Can we talk about this a bit please?

To use a more specific example – “Or hey coach I totally get using you wanting me to take more ice when the only option they have is a shot but is it possible I could play back a bit more when there’s a guy pushing the back door? (This is a request….that comes from some knowledge…but not calling him out)

Only you will know what the relationships with the coach is like and if it can be that simple.

If you present it the right way you may well find that you are more or less on the same page….or you might learn something if they have a good explanation about what they want ….or – and I’ve seen the happen – they just might learn from you.

…your relationship with them needs to be in the right place and maybe it develops more. Just like a coach should earn your respect you should earn theirs before you go in questioning…the kid who digs deep, tries things, puts their head down and works will get far more respect from their coach and more opportunity to ask questions…even difficult ones.

But don’t … coach that’s not right ….my other goalie coach says to do it this way….as goalie camp this summer they told me…

Imagine you were teaching something and your student didn’t agree with you…how would you want them to bring it up?

I was on the ice with an NHL goalie who wanted to discuss every suggestion “I like to do it this way….” And while he had reached a level that you just had to respect it – and try to learn from it your self….a younger goalie could really harm a relationship if they question everything or too frequently.

The reality is there are many ways to play the position. And there are so many variations on a situation – that’s what’s so cool about proReads! So give it a go….or find some time at home to practice what will be the best approach.

Coming Soon

We have some exciting new programming coming just for goalie parents; whether you're a wily vet or a first-timer there will be something for you that will help you navigate the goalie parent waters to help you and your child have their best, most enjoyable, season ever.

We will initially roll it out just for a select group as we ensure it is of the highest quality and delivering just what you need. So please let us know by joining the waiting list. Everyone is welcome and there is no commitment required, just add your name to the list here.


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