
Learn the techniques to build unshakeable self-belief and stay resilient on the ice, even in the toughest moments.

Goalie Mindset expert Pete Fry is back with more key mindset tips that will help you become a better goaltender. Pete played in the Western Hockey League for the Portland Winterhawks and the Victoria Cougars. He was drafted by the New Jersey Devils. Today he works with goaltenders of all levels, from minor hockey to professionals, helping them achieve more on the ice through developing their mental skills.

Pete will be hosting a series of in-person and online seminars this summer - full details are at the end of this article. 

F​or goalies, maintaining unshakeable confidence is crucial for consistent performance.

Every goalie knows how easy the game feels when they’re confident. But how do we create confidence without relying on results, whether it’s a single save, a series of saves, or a series of good games? There is a way to manufacture that feeling of confidence.

It’s called confidence anchoring, and it’s a powerful mental strategy to help goalies tap into their most confident selves, even under pressure. Understanding and mastering a confidence anchor can significantly enhance a goalie’s game, turning self-belief into a reliable ally on the ice.

What is Confidence Anchoring?

Confidence anchoring involves creating a mental trigger that instantly recalls feelings of peak performance and self-assurance. This psychological technique leverages the mind’s ability to associate a specific physical action or thought with a powerful, confident state. By developing and utilizing these anchors, goalies can summon their best selves whenever needed.

“It clears my head and gives me confidence and that belief in myself that I’m going to be able to react,” said Dylan Ferguson, who played NHL games with the Vegas Golden Knights and Ottawa Senators before signing in the KHL last season. “I like to be in my stance before the puck drops because it gives you that feeling of ‘I’m ready’ before the play has even started.”

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