Kristen Campbell PWHL Toronto Goalie

PWHL Goalie of the Year sits down with InGoal to share crease movement keys

InGoal Magazine had a chance to sit down with PWHL Goalie of the Year Kristen Campbell recently in Kelowna, B.C. and review on-ice practice footage with her team, PWHL Toronto, their goalie coach, Brad Kirkwood, and teammates Carly Jackson and Erika Howe.

Campbell, who also works with Kirkwood on Team Canada, was kind enough to share some tips and keys from the footage, which was graciously shot and shared (with permission) by Canisius College goalie coach Matt Bourgeois from a practice he attended this season.

We will start with some seemingly simple crease movement work, though as Campbell points out, the tendency to rush through these and not pay attention to the important details she discusses is a problem that can cost goalies as they move up the ranks.

“It’s really important,” Campbell said. “It’s fundamentals but we’re always working the basics, like a strong eye lead, making sure we’re bringing that back shoulder around. [Kirkwood] is big on checking your stance at each point, making sure you are in a good layered stance: stick in front, hands in front, always feeling that structure.”

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